what’s in today’s smoothie: grape, berries, celery and spinach

     Hey y’all today I want to talk about a website I found called Simple Green Smoothies. It’s exactly what you think it is: a website about simple green smoothies! It’s run by two women Jadah and Jen who I believe reside in America. It’s a fantastic websites and if you’re interested in health or just love yummy drinks I can highly recommend their website for great tips and tricks for making delicious and healthy smoothies. Click here to go there!

     I subscribed to their mailing service and got a free booklet in PDF form which tells you a few recipes (it’s just a small collection of what’s on their website) as well as a few tips for creating your own flavour. To me, that was the most helpful part because you probably don’t have the exact ingredients listed in any of their recipes. The ingredient I’ve had the most struggles with is kale- what even is it? It’s related to silverbeet but it’s not readily available in Australia yet a lot of American healthy recipes rely on it such as kale chips so until I find kale or a suitable substitute- we will have to do without. That was really off topic. Oops.

Green smoothies are great for a number of things but for me, it’s mainly:

  • They are super easy to make and take a matter of minutes
  • They are yummy and you don’t feel bad drinking it as you would a milkshake
  • Good source of fibre and plant material (so lots of vitamins!)
  • But you don’t feel like you’re just eating a handful of leaves to get these

I think that it’s a really good way to start your day which will leave you feeling inspired and fresh. I usually do Insanity in the mornings but I would not recommend drinking just a smoothie before working out vigorously as it doesn’t contain many carbohydrates so you may get sick. We don’t want that! Today’s my rest day before I re-start Insanity so I’m having a nice relax and a super duper healthy day.

So what they recommend in making your own flavour is to use the following formula:

(Serves 1) 1.5 cups of fruit, 1 cup of leafy greens and 1 cup of liquid

     How easy is that?! You can go to their website to find out more about the recommended ingredients and the benefits of each one but I’ll tell you what I made today. I used a cup of spinach, half a cup each of grapes, frozen blueberries and frozen raspberries and cold water from the fridge as my liquid (as per the photo above). I’ve never added much liquid in my smoothies before but now that I’ve added water I have to say it’s a lot better and easier to drink. You don’t have to have a special smoothie blender- I usually just use a bar-mix-type thing but you can use whatever appliance you see fit. Please give green smoothies a try!

     Are you into the green smoothie movement like I am? Or is it just a fad? Tell me your recipes and other things in the comments!

ily a trilly,

